Responsible business

Responsible Business

Kosolan Talo’s team has participated in training events organized by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences’ “Kohti kestävää matkailua Etelä-Pohjanmaalla” project (Towards sustainable tourism in South Ostrobothnia) and Visit Finland Akatemia’s Sustainable Travel Finland program. We have also implemented a carbon footprint calculator, committed to the Sitoumus 2050 societal goals for sustainable development, signed to uphold the principles of sustainable tourism, and committed to promoting sustainable tourism. We have been awarded the ECEAT (European Centre for Ecological and Agricultural Tourism) certificate by The Finnish Eco-Agrotourism Association and The Sustainable Travel Finland label by Visit Finland. We aim to keep improving our understanding of corporate responsibility, monitoring our operations’ impact, making necessary adjustments, and encouraging others to consider responsibility factors in their activities.

We develop Kosolan Talo as a travel destination under the theme of presenting South Ostrobothnia’s history, unique cultural characteristics, and distinctive construction traditions. This allows us to preserve the regional identity and pass on the area’s rich cultural heritage to new generations. Our operations include, for example, space rentals for conferences and celebrations, storytelling and other entertainment, various themed events, permanent and changing small-scale displays and exhibitions, and a small shop selling products made from authentic materials in the region. We keep developing our services based on the regional cultural heritage, and we approach everything we do in a knowledgeable and respectful manner.

We want to acknowledge responsible practices and sustainability right from the beginning. For us, it means taking responsibility both in the restoration of our premises and in our contributions to travel and tourism. Therefore, we have drafted a corporate responsibility report that addresses both.

Kosolan Talo’s Corporate Responsibility Report (will be translated)